This year we have a new competition for 'Literature Week'. In a 'post' of less than 50 words tell us what your favourite book is and why?
Great prizes for the best post. Make sure you leave your name and form class with your posting!!!
Yr 7,8 and 13 - make sure you have your costume ready for 'dress up ' day!
Here's the winning entry -
Title:Starring Tracey Beaker
Author:Jacqueline Wilson
My favourite book is Starring Tracey Beaker by Jacqueline Wilson. It is my favourite because she always describes all her work in such detail. There are some awesome pictures by Nick Sharrat that really give you an idea of what everything looks like, when the author is trying to explain what someone or something looks like. Overall this is a fabulous read!
By Brooke Gregory-7CK
I don't know about favourite, but I have just finished reading a book about a soccer club in Italy. This is all very bizzare considering I usally like a good drama, human relationships, even love!!! story!!
Mrs Hucker
Tegwen Atkinson 7ck
Title:Sisterhood of the Travelling pants is written by Ann Brashares.
Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants is my favourite book because it is an emotionally inspiring book and I absolutely love it!
I felt as if the characters truly existed and the author adapted a wonderful power to give each character its own individual personality in extreme detail.These are only some of the reasons why I love this book so much.
My favourate book is Holes by Louis Sachar. Its my favourite book because it doesnt start slow, its a really good book, and because I like the author. The book is set in a Texas desert on a dry lakebed. The boys who are sent there have to dig lots and lots of holes. Gemma Merrall 7CK.
Katrina Betty 7CK
Title:Dead Famous
Author:Alan Mac Donald
My favourite book is called Dead Famous and I like this book because it can be about anyone. I have read three of them all about different people I also like it because the stories are realy funny and you can also learn alot. So read Dead Famous it will make you laugh till your stomach is sore
My favourite book is Captain Underpants. It is funny, cartoon and it has flip-o-rama (where you flip the pages forwards and backwards until you see cartoons made from two pictures). My favourite story is Captain Underpants and the Perelios Plot of the Purple Potty People, everything is the opposite when two boys and their hero Captain Underpants go through a warp too many times!!! Those are some of the facts to tell you why I like Captain Underpants. From Li Ming Teo 7CK. =)
Aaron Crisp 7CK
Title:Wolf Brother
Author:Michelle Paver
My favourite book is Wolf Brother. It's a really good book to ead and it's full of adventures and mysteries. Iy's placed way back thousands of yearrs ago when the people were split up into clans and they hunted for food. It's a very interesting story and i loved it.
My favourite books are the Chestnut Hill series Because they are simply about horses.
My favourtie charcter is Dylan Walsh And
Malory O Neil. My favourtie horses are Morello, Hardy andtybalt.I like the story beacause it catches my attentionand makes me want to read on and on!
The quickest I ever reed a chest nut hill book was in one day because it was so good. so if you love horses you should give Chestnut hill a go!
finbar 7ck
my favrite book is stig of the dump .it is a cool book and it is abut aboy and he lives in the dump aka the dump an other boy finds him inthe dump and stig learns barneys ways and barney learns stigs way
My favourite book is Matilda by Roald Dahl.
I like it because Matilda facinates me.
She is cheeky and mischevous.
At school she has a nasty priciple, but Matilda uses her special powers to scare her off!
Ella Ewen 7CK.
Title:Starring Tracey Beaker
Author:Jacqueline Wilson
My favourite book is Starring Tracey Beaker by Jacqueline Wilson. It is my favourite because she always describes all her work in such detail. There are some awesome pictures by Nick Sharrat that really give you an idea of what everything looks like, when the author is trying to explain what someone or something looks like. Overall this is a fabulous read!
By Brooke Gregory-7CK
My favourite book is shadrach girl.This is my favoyrite book because Joy Cowely is my favourite author,she is just so encouraging for younger children.I really like horse books because in my past i've had 3 horses sadly they all died in a very young age.Shadrach Girl is a very good book for horse lovers.
Fraser Clement
My favourite book is 'The Girl Who Cried Monster' by R.L.Stine. I like it because it has a good story line and it made me think. It is spooky in some places and gross as well. I would give it an 8/10.
My favourite book is Spying On Lions by Nick Arnold.I `would recommend this to anyone who is into lions.This book has adventure and everything else .That is why its my favourite.
Jackson 7ck
Harrv Potter and the Deathly Hallows - J K Rolwing
This is my favourite book because it's exciting and evenful even though it's not as long as some of the other books.It answers all your questions from the 6th book.Lots of people die in it but it also includes all your favourite characters.It's such a great book for the end of the series.
Katrina Andrews -7CK
My favourite book I've read was Lola Rose from Jaquline Wilson, it is my favourite book because it is dramatic and has lots of twists and turns. It is about a young girl called Jayni who acts older than she is.This is a great book for all ages, but if you don't like anything dramamtic this book is not for you. Danielle Avery 7CK
Cara Lisa 7CK
My favourite book is The Blue Roan Child. It is filled with suspension, action, mysteries and horses and because I love horses it's interesting. I have read it countless times and it never wears off. New surprises keep appearing and each time I read it I discover something to help me understand it better. Once I have picked it up, I just cannot put it down.
My favourite book is Bad Girls by Jaqualine Wilson because it shows what it's like to be the people doing bad things and how they feel.It shows how easy it is to lose a friend,or to get in trouble wiith them.even though you might not see them again,yooou can still be friends.
By Mishael Coulter
James Bonehill
My favourite book is KUNG-FU PIGS,The Temple Of Ghosts.Kung-Fu Pigs is written by Keith Brumpton and is 13 chapters of fun,halerious reading.It is like a comic book with all the pictures.I like this book because it is a fun enjoyable story.
My favourite book is "Phantom Stallion ,Gold Ghost"by Terri Farley.This is my favourite book because its about horses and i like horses.This is also my favourite book because it is a mestery type of book,it will always leave you thinking and will draw your attention.I recomend this book for kids that enjoy mysterious books.
Teeghan Schofield 7CK
My favorite book is maybe stella because it is about travel which id love to do when i grow up and it is also funny and scary in some parts,the girl in it is called stella she is brave which is cool .I think children who like adventure and travel sould read this. Joanne 7ck
Rebecca Stokes 12
My favourite book is Black beauty by Anna Sewell. It is my favourite book because it is a story from a horses point of view[Black Beauty] . I enjoyed this book because it is happy in some parts,I got a bit sad when the sad arts came .Its a great book for anybody to read.
Amy Bhana
My favourite book is Parvana.its about a girl her name is Parvana she is eleven years old and lives in Afghanistan.only men are aloud to go outside. If women want to gooutside they have to coverup and go with a man or boy.Parvanas mum turned he into a boyso Parvana can do all the outside work.
Title:Can Adults Become Human?
Series:Dear Dumb Diary
Author:Jim Benton
"Can Adults Become Human" was written by Jim Benton who writes in the Dear Dumb Diary series. The book is based on a diary written by the main character "Jaime Kelly ". I enjoy reading this book because it makes me laugh when Jamie Kelly gets up to naughty things and because of the humorous illistations.
Jordan Burnett
Matilda would have to be my favourite book not only because it is written by the ona nad only Roald Dahl but because Matilda has a special power also known as Telekenisis , which means she can move objects with her mind and she is incredibly smart . You should read it!
Shannon Taylor 7CK
My favorite book is Westminister Abby because it is about a young girl at the age of 16 who finds herself on a plane to London for a S.A.S.S school programe. I like this book because it has alot of excitment. Alot!I recomend this book for girls!!
Cassandra Kumar-Te Anau -7CK
my favourite book is lets get invisible and its about on max's birthday he finds a sort of magic mirror in the attic.it can make him become invisible so max and his friends start playing now you see me now you dont.Until max realisez that he's losing control
Roydon 7ck
my favourite book is castaway and its about a 13 year old boy named sam clark when he sets of to find hes missing brotherin sydney australia plus he joinsa crew of sailers on aship called dun donald` andthere was a ship wreked in auckland new zealand
Hunter.Thats my favourite book.I like it because its well written.It makes you feel like you're therre, in the story seeing what the characters see.Its also very cleaver how theres two storys going on and how they join up in the last chapter.When you read this book you'll know what I mean when I say its my favourit book.
My favourite book is Goosebumps: chicken chicken by R.L Stine
I like this book because it is scary and it gets you thinking. You don't want to put the book down because it is so good. I would recomend this book to anyone. all the Goosebumps books are good.
Andrew Hunkin
My favourite book of all time would have to be 'Eragon' by Christopher Paolini. I brought this book when I was in a bookstore in Pukekohe looking for a summer read. Itis my favourite book because as I read it, it drew me into the story and i could imagine myself as Eragon. I could imagine that I was going on all the journeys. When Eragon cried, i cried. When Brom died I cried again. And when they announced that a sequel was coming out -Eldest- i was so happy that the adventure would continue for me and my imagination. I have re-read this story so many times. (sorry this is more than 50 words but it is a good story)
Rosalie Whyte 10RW
My favourite book would have to be "Z for Zachariah" as it was a really interesting book, filled with surprises and twists. I liked how it went from the present to the past. It left me thinking, wondering what would happen to Ann. Whether she would find another valley with life in it, or would mankind die out
Last comment by Trent Norman
My favourite book would most definitely have to be Z for Zacharia by that guy because It always had me thinking about what would happen next. Every chapter left me with mystery and questions in my head about what was going to happen next. Also its the one of the only WHOLE books i've read in my entire life!
By Kathy Tainui 10RW
My absolute favourite book of all time(and ive read alot of books) would most definatly have to be "The Raging Quiet" by Sherryl Jordan.
Its set in the medievil times were they believed in witchs. When Marnie moves to a hillside village where she meets the village maniac called Raver. Marnie later descovers that Raver is deaf. When she tells the townfolk no one will believe her.She makes up sign language with him so the townfolk start to think shes a witch and start shunning her...So i cant tell you anymore otherwise that will ruin the surprise...
Paige Heslop 10RW
As you see I have all ready made my own comment but I have just started this new book called Be Counted it is about a 13 year old girl called Amy Phelps who wants to go to college so she moves in with her aunt Delia and uncle Joshua. This book comes from the My Story series and this is the best one yet!
Danielle Avery 7CK
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