Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Ripples on the Lake - Dawn Rotarangi

This new, NZ fiction, I believe is a must for senior readers. The main character, Saffron Delaney is believable and very likeable. The cultural and spiritual aspects of the book are hugely engaging - What is tapu? How do non- Maori justify and qualify the notion of tapu? How does the past influence how we live now? 
All huge questions that need some thought if we are to really understand and accept the values of biculturalism.
Those of you that have the time check out the author's blog and website -

And isn't it a great cover.........


Dawn said...

Thank you for linking thorugh to me, Mrs C. If anyone is interested in how the cover picture came about, they might be interested in reading
this link
to an old post on my blog. Several people had expressed interest in where the face came from so I emailed Natalie Winter and enquired. The post is a "romanticised" version of what she told me! It is actually a photoshop worked design.

I do hope you all enjoy reading the book and feel free to ask questions about anything that interests you..

Anonymous said...

A beautiful story, i love the interlinking past and present and familiar setting. Very interesting about Maori beliefs and ideas of tapu, especially to those who do not know much about Maori spirituality.

Mrs C said...

I'm really glad that you enjoyed the novel - is that you Claire?

What do you think about studying it at school???

Thanks for commenting.

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